للحب ألف عنوان by طفول الحمبصي
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
النهاية تناسب حالة شمس جدا❤
ماحبيتش علاقة مروة ومحسن بس حسيت الكاتبة مش عاوزة تطلع حد زعلان أو سنجل
سوزي مستفزة زي أمها
مي ونادر..أخيرًا
فيديو المراجعة على اليوتيوب:
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أهلاً بجميع الزوار :)
قررت أن أفتح فرعـًا آخر من مدونتي الرئيسة قلم سارة مـُخصص فقط لمراجعاتي عن الكتب التي أقرأ؛حتى لا تضيع وسط الزحام وأستطيع العودة إليها في أي وقت.كما سيـُساعد هذا الفرع مـَن يرغب في قراءة كتاب ما ولكنه متردد ويريد معرفة آراء آخرين بهذا الشأن.
أيضـًا أنني تعلمت من درس صديقتي العزيزة دينا نبيل حينما فقدت جميع مراجعاتها على موقع goodreads عندما حذفوا حسابها من عليه،فقررت الاحتياط لذلك بحفظ جميع ما كتبت من مراجعات بمرور الأيام.
أتمنى أن تتحملوا ثرثرتي الكثيرة عن الكتب هنا،
لأي استفسار أو تعليق..نوافذ المدونة مفتوحة لكم
دمتم بود،
سارة حسين
الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2019
الاثنين، 16 ديسمبر 2019
Review: Wicked Fox
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
“Maybe it's wrong for us to hold any one person as our whole world. Maybe..." . "Maybe it's wrong of us to owe all of our happiness or sadness to one person.” - Wicked fox, Kat Cho
It was a great experience, I have never read any book that was set in South Korea before and I regret that! The novel carries so much knowledge of the Korean culture🥢 and terminology. Such a rich culture! The novel is sorted as urban fantasy with a cute romance between a human boy and a gumiho ( a woman + a fox). The story follows their relationship and the obstacles they face in this magical world 🎐
I loved Jihoon and his grandmother. Jihoon is such a nice boy with a quick wit. Miyoung was kind of a lost soul to me, she seemed unstable and unsure of anything in her life.
Yena was such a complex character and I think she will make an appearance in the sequel. I loved Somin and Jihoon's friendship. I laughed hard every-time I saw Junu's lines.
There's a glossary at the end of the book explaining any korean term used. I really liked that she connected well with her heritage.
The style of writing was not the best.
Overall, I liked it so much and I can't wait for the sequel next year.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
“Maybe it's wrong for us to hold any one person as our whole world. Maybe..." . "Maybe it's wrong of us to owe all of our happiness or sadness to one person.” - Wicked fox, Kat Cho
It was a great experience, I have never read any book that was set in South Korea before and I regret that! The novel carries so much knowledge of the Korean culture🥢 and terminology. Such a rich culture! The novel is sorted as urban fantasy with a cute romance between a human boy and a gumiho ( a woman + a fox). The story follows their relationship and the obstacles they face in this magical world 🎐
I loved Jihoon and his grandmother. Jihoon is such a nice boy with a quick wit. Miyoung was kind of a lost soul to me, she seemed unstable and unsure of anything in her life.
Yena was such a complex character and I think she will make an appearance in the sequel. I loved Somin and Jihoon's friendship. I laughed hard every-time I saw Junu's lines.
There's a glossary at the end of the book explaining any korean term used. I really liked that she connected well with her heritage.
The style of writing was not the best.
Overall, I liked it so much and I can't wait for the sequel next year.
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Review: الرواية
الرواية by نوال السعداوي
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
رواية نسوية تتناول موضوعات تهم المرأة العربية وتقارن أحوالها بالمرأة الغربية من حيث الحقوق والمساواة والتعامل المجتمعي معها
كما تهتم بشأن المرأة العزباء،المتزوجة والوحيدة في هذه الدنيا
تنوعت شخوص الرواية مابين المارق والمتدين والمتردد والخائن والمحب المخلص وأعجبني هذا التنوع في طرح الأفكار والرؤى
ولكن الأسلوب الأدبي لم يعجبني،الانتقالات لم تكن سلسلسة بين الأبطال والأحداث ولايوجد فواصل بين المشاهد
أتمنى إعادة تحرير هذا العمل من جديد بإتقان لكي يظهر تميزه..
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
رواية نسوية تتناول موضوعات تهم المرأة العربية وتقارن أحوالها بالمرأة الغربية من حيث الحقوق والمساواة والتعامل المجتمعي معها
كما تهتم بشأن المرأة العزباء،المتزوجة والوحيدة في هذه الدنيا
تنوعت شخوص الرواية مابين المارق والمتدين والمتردد والخائن والمحب المخلص وأعجبني هذا التنوع في طرح الأفكار والرؤى
ولكن الأسلوب الأدبي لم يعجبني،الانتقالات لم تكن سلسلسة بين الأبطال والأحداث ولايوجد فواصل بين المشاهد
أتمنى إعادة تحرير هذا العمل من جديد بإتقان لكي يظهر تميزه..
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Review: Metamorphosis
Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
أنا قلبي وجعني :(
أول مرة أزعل صرصور..غالبـًا عشان كان أصله إنسان
سمعتها من هنا:
التحول هي أشهر وأوقع نموذج لرواية الواقعية السحرية،فالبطل جريجور سامسا يستيقظ يومـًا ما ليجد نفسه قد تحول إلى حشرة ويتحول من العائل الأساسي لعائلته إلى عالة عليها وجب إخفاؤها وربما التخلص منها
من خلال ثلاثة أجزاء نرى طريقة تعامل عائلة جريجور معه
أخته المتعاطفة والمشفقة عليه ومحاولتهم مساعدته والتأقلم مع هيئته الجديدة -شىء غريب ومستغرب ولكن الواقعية السحرية تفرض علينا التعامل مع السيناريو ببساطة كأنه حدث عرضي أو متوقع-
ثم الجزء الذي يتم فيه استبدال جريجور بأخته ويبدأ والده ووالدته في العمل
ثم يتم تأجير غرفة جريجور لشخصين آخرين
وفي النهاية يتم التخلص من جريجور الذي أصابه الاكتئاب بعد إهماله من قبل عائلته ويعيد التاريخ نفسه لتصبح أخته هي المعيلة الأساسية للعائلة ويتم التفكير كيف سيتم تزويجها لشخص غني
رواية قصيرة سوداوية فلسفية تشرح كيف أثر التصنيع على العلاقات العائلية وكيف أصبحت قيمة فرد العائلة فيما يدره من مال وينفقه على أسرته والفرد غير المنتج لأي سبب خارج عن إرادته يتم إقصاؤه ومعاملته كشيء غير مرغوب فيه ويجب التخلص منه!
قاسية ولكن جيدة جدًا
كانت تجربتي الأولى مع كافكا ولا أظنها الأخيرة ولكنني لا أستطيع قراءة أعماله جملة واحدة لأنها سوداوية جدًا،تتطلب حالة مزاجية خاصة.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
أنا قلبي وجعني :(
أول مرة أزعل صرصور..غالبـًا عشان كان أصله إنسان
سمعتها من هنا:
التحول هي أشهر وأوقع نموذج لرواية الواقعية السحرية،فالبطل جريجور سامسا يستيقظ يومـًا ما ليجد نفسه قد تحول إلى حشرة ويتحول من العائل الأساسي لعائلته إلى عالة عليها وجب إخفاؤها وربما التخلص منها
من خلال ثلاثة أجزاء نرى طريقة تعامل عائلة جريجور معه
أخته المتعاطفة والمشفقة عليه ومحاولتهم مساعدته والتأقلم مع هيئته الجديدة -شىء غريب ومستغرب ولكن الواقعية السحرية تفرض علينا التعامل مع السيناريو ببساطة كأنه حدث عرضي أو متوقع-
ثم الجزء الذي يتم فيه استبدال جريجور بأخته ويبدأ والده ووالدته في العمل
ثم يتم تأجير غرفة جريجور لشخصين آخرين
وفي النهاية يتم التخلص من جريجور الذي أصابه الاكتئاب بعد إهماله من قبل عائلته ويعيد التاريخ نفسه لتصبح أخته هي المعيلة الأساسية للعائلة ويتم التفكير كيف سيتم تزويجها لشخص غني
رواية قصيرة سوداوية فلسفية تشرح كيف أثر التصنيع على العلاقات العائلية وكيف أصبحت قيمة فرد العائلة فيما يدره من مال وينفقه على أسرته والفرد غير المنتج لأي سبب خارج عن إرادته يتم إقصاؤه ومعاملته كشيء غير مرغوب فيه ويجب التخلص منه!
قاسية ولكن جيدة جدًا
كانت تجربتي الأولى مع كافكا ولا أظنها الأخيرة ولكنني لا أستطيع قراءة أعماله جملة واحدة لأنها سوداوية جدًا،تتطلب حالة مزاجية خاصة.
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السبت، 14 ديسمبر 2019
Review: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Pérez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was mind-blowing!
The data she gathered from different aspects of life were really important and put me in rage due to this injustice!
The world is not designed for "men" and the idea that everything even in our modern life is made from a male perspective and suitable for men's body, health, brain and functions is infuriating!
From mobile phones which is suitable for the size of a man's palm, to cars and air conditioning!
How language affects us and how the interpretations of even the genderless professions still have a male or a female specific representation. The citation of academic women and the bias against them. Shushing and constant interruptions to women when explaining their opinions or ideas especially in Politics.
The statistics of women's rape from all over the world especially in India where there are homes with no toilets, making women go outside and endanger them to get assaulted, raped and murdered!!
The medical field and clinical trials where they target mainly men - Good GOD! - THAT'S ABSURD!
An eye-opening book, a favorite and a must read!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was mind-blowing!
The data she gathered from different aspects of life were really important and put me in rage due to this injustice!
The world is not designed for "men" and the idea that everything even in our modern life is made from a male perspective and suitable for men's body, health, brain and functions is infuriating!
From mobile phones which is suitable for the size of a man's palm, to cars and air conditioning!
How language affects us and how the interpretations of even the genderless professions still have a male or a female specific representation. The citation of academic women and the bias against them. Shushing and constant interruptions to women when explaining their opinions or ideas especially in Politics.
The statistics of women's rape from all over the world especially in India where there are homes with no toilets, making women go outside and endanger them to get assaulted, raped and murdered!!
The medical field and clinical trials where they target mainly men - Good GOD! - THAT'S ABSURD!
An eye-opening book, a favorite and a must read!
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Review: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Pérez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was mind-blowing!
The data she gathered from different aspects of life were really important and put me in rage due to this injustice!
The world is not designed for "men" and the idea that everything even in our modern life is made from a male perspective and suitable for men's body, health, brain and functions is infuriating!
From mobile phones which is suitable for the size of a man's palm, to cars and air conditioning!
How language affects us and how the interpretations of even the genderless professions still have a male or a female specific representation. The citation of academic women and the bias against them. Shushing women when explaining their opinions or ideas especially in Politics.
The statistics of women's rape from all over the world especially in India where there are homes with no toilets, making women go outside and endanger them to get assaulted, raped and murdered!!
The medical field and clinical trials where they target mainly men - Good GOD! - THAT'S ABSURD!
An eye-opening book, a favorite and a must read!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was mind-blowing!
The data she gathered from different aspects of life were really important and put me in rage due to this injustice!
The world is not designed for "men" and the idea that everything even in our modern life is made from a male perspective and suitable for men's body, health, brain and functions is infuriating!
From mobile phones which is suitable for the size of a man's palm, to cars and air conditioning!
How language affects us and how the interpretations of even the genderless professions still have a male or a female specific representation. The citation of academic women and the bias against them. Shushing women when explaining their opinions or ideas especially in Politics.
The statistics of women's rape from all over the world especially in India where there are homes with no toilets, making women go outside and endanger them to get assaulted, raped and murdered!!
The medical field and clinical trials where they target mainly men - Good GOD! - THAT'S ABSURD!
An eye-opening book, a favorite and a must read!
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Review: Pumpkinheads
Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This story is just so cute!
I loved the amazing vibes, the colors and the illustrations and the cute fluffy story.
Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends.They say good-bye every Halloween, and they’re reunited every September 1.
Every autumn, all through high school, they’ve worked together at a pumpkin patch and on their last night at this patch before college, Josiah feels blue but Deja wants to make the best of this night by going around trying snacks and making Josiah confess his love to the girl he's been crushing on her for three years.
I loved it and laughed and awed <3 Although it was a bit predictable but I enjoyed it so much and finished it in one hour.
I highly recommend it .
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This story is just so cute!
I loved the amazing vibes, the colors and the illustrations and the cute fluffy story.
Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends.They say good-bye every Halloween, and they’re reunited every September 1.
Every autumn, all through high school, they’ve worked together at a pumpkin patch and on their last night at this patch before college, Josiah feels blue but Deja wants to make the best of this night by going around trying snacks and making Josiah confess his love to the girl he's been crushing on her for three years.
I loved it and laughed and awed <3 Although it was a bit predictable but I enjoyed it so much and finished it in one hour.
I highly recommend it .
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Review: Pumpkinheads
Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This story is just so cute!
I loved the amazing vibes, the colors and the illustrations and the cute fluffy story.
Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends.They say good-bye every Halloween, and they’re reunited every September 1.
Every autumn, all through high school, they’ve worked together at a pumpkin patch and on their last night at this patch before college, Josiah feels blue but Deja want to make the best of this night by going around trying snacks and making Josiah confess his love to the girl he's been crushing on her for three years.
I loved it and laughed and awed <3 Although it was a bit predictable but I enjoyed it so much and finished it in one sitting.
I highly recommend it .
View all my reviews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This story is just so cute!
I loved the amazing vibes, the colors and the illustrations and the cute fluffy story.
Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends.They say good-bye every Halloween, and they’re reunited every September 1.
Every autumn, all through high school, they’ve worked together at a pumpkin patch and on their last night at this patch before college, Josiah feels blue but Deja want to make the best of this night by going around trying snacks and making Josiah confess his love to the girl he's been crushing on her for three years.
I loved it and laughed and awed <3 Although it was a bit predictable but I enjoyed it so much and finished it in one sitting.
I highly recommend it .
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Review: The Book Thief
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street after the Nazi took her communist mother and her brother was dead. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall.
This book made me sob so much!!
I liked the narration, although the angel of death made me mad when he had to tell us beforehand the destiny of every character! The premise of making the Angel of Death narrate the story was amazing and refreshing!
I loved Max, Rudy, Papa and the mayor's wife. I adored the books Max made for Liesel.
I cried a lot in the end of the book, the words were captivating!
I think the importance of this novel lays in describing the daily life in Germany under the Nazi, the difference of opinions and the silence following a different opinion and the public ignorance of concentration camps.
The German were a victim in this war as well.
This book is a favourite but I cannot read it again..at least not soon!! I loved it so much!
Highly recommended!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street after the Nazi took her communist mother and her brother was dead. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall.
This book made me sob so much!!
I liked the narration, although the angel of death made me mad when he had to tell us beforehand the destiny of every character! The premise of making the Angel of Death narrate the story was amazing and refreshing!
I loved Max, Rudy, Papa and the mayor's wife. I adored the books Max made for Liesel.
I cried a lot in the end of the book, the words were captivating!
I think the importance of this novel lays in describing the daily life in Germany under the Nazi, the difference of opinions and the silence following a different opinion and the public ignorance of concentration camps.
The German were a victim in this war as well.
This book is a favourite but I cannot read it again..at least not soon!! I loved it so much!
Highly recommended!
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Review: The Book Thief
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street after the Nazi took her communist mother and her brother was dead. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall.
This book made me sob so much!!
I liked the narration, although the angel of death made me mad when he had to tell us beforehand the destiny of every character!
I loved Max, Rudy, Papa and the mayor's wife. I adored the books Max made for Liesel.
I cried a lot in the end of the book, the words were captivating!
I think the importance of this novel lays in describing the daily life in Germany under the Nazi, the difference of opinions and the silence following a different opinion and the public ignorance of concentration camps.
The German were a victim in this war as well.
This book is a favourite but I cannot read it again..at least not soon!! I loved it so much!
Highly recommended!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street after the Nazi took her communist mother and her brother was dead. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall.
This book made me sob so much!!
I liked the narration, although the angel of death made me mad when he had to tell us beforehand the destiny of every character!
I loved Max, Rudy, Papa and the mayor's wife. I adored the books Max made for Liesel.
I cried a lot in the end of the book, the words were captivating!
I think the importance of this novel lays in describing the daily life in Germany under the Nazi, the difference of opinions and the silence following a different opinion and the public ignorance of concentration camps.
The German were a victim in this war as well.
This book is a favourite but I cannot read it again..at least not soon!! I loved it so much!
Highly recommended!
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Review: Frankly in Love
Frankly in Love by David Yoon
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Cringy and not cool!
I don't think it worth the hype.
The romance was absurd and not justified at all, it looked like a teenage romance where you switch between partners very easily with no clear explanation leaving broken hearts everywhere - I feel old already for saying this-.
I didn't like how he used Brit to get to Joy -subconsciously- and this is coming from me, the huge fake dating guru! I love fake dating in movies and tv series but I don't know.. something turned me off in the book.
I think the writing style was not very captivating and I didn't connect with the novel characters although I appreciated the aspect in dealing with their parents and how even when they moved to the US, they kept a distance between them and America and therefore became racist.
--And what about that scene when he ate her hair?WHY?! --
The turn at the very end about his father was really disturbing, what are you trying to address in this book? Juggle between two girls and choose the one your mother would approve? - like an Egyptian man hehe- Racism is a side effects of living with your parents? Don't hate your parents because they might die suddenly from an illness? Love your racist parents?! I DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!!!
Meh, such a cheap drama for the teenage boy!
It just didn't click with me and I don't think I will continue this series - WHY DOES IT HAVE A SEQUEL IN THE FIRST PLACE!?-
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My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Cringy and not cool!
I don't think it worth the hype.
The romance was absurd and not justified at all, it looked like a teenage romance where you switch between partners very easily with no clear explanation leaving broken hearts everywhere - I feel old already for saying this-.
I didn't like how he used Brit to get to Joy -subconsciously- and this is coming from me, the huge fake dating guru! I love fake dating in movies and tv series but I don't know.. something turned me off in the book.
I think the writing style was not very captivating and I didn't connect with the novel characters although I appreciated the aspect in dealing with their parents and how even when they moved to the US, they kept a distance between them and America and therefore became racist.
--And what about that scene when he ate her hair?WHY?! --
The turn at the very end about his father was really disturbing, what are you trying to address in this book? Juggle between two girls and choose the one your mother would approve? - like an Egyptian man hehe- Racism is a side effects of living with your parents? Don't hate your parents because they might die suddenly from an illness? Love your racist parents?! I DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!!!
Meh, such a cheap drama for the teenage boy!
It just didn't click with me and I don't think I will continue this series - WHY DOES IT HAVE A SEQUEL IN THE FIRST PLACE!?-
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Review: Frankly in Love
Frankly in Love by David Yoon
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Cringy and not cool!
I don't think it worth the hype.
The romance was absurd and not justified at all, it looked like a teenage romance where you switch between partners very easily with no clear explanation leaving broken hearts everywhere - I feel old already for saying this-.
I didn't like how he used Brit to get to Joy -subconsciously- and this is coming from me, the huge fake dating guru! I love fake dating in movies and tv series but I don't know.. something turned me off in the book.
I think the writing style was not very captivating and I didn't connect with the novel characters although I appreciated the aspect in dealing with their parents and how even when they moved to the US, they kept a distance between them and America and therefore became racist.
--And what about that scene when he ate her hair?WHY?! --
It just didn't click with me and I don't think I will continue this series - WHY DOES IT HAVE A SEQUEL IN THE FIRST PLACE!?-
View all my reviews
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Cringy and not cool!
I don't think it worth the hype.
The romance was absurd and not justified at all, it looked like a teenage romance where you switch between partners very easily with no clear explanation leaving broken hearts everywhere - I feel old already for saying this-.
I didn't like how he used Brit to get to Joy -subconsciously- and this is coming from me, the huge fake dating guru! I love fake dating in movies and tv series but I don't know.. something turned me off in the book.
I think the writing style was not very captivating and I didn't connect with the novel characters although I appreciated the aspect in dealing with their parents and how even when they moved to the US, they kept a distance between them and America and therefore became racist.
--And what about that scene when he ate her hair?WHY?! --
It just didn't click with me and I don't think I will continue this series - WHY DOES IT HAVE A SEQUEL IN THE FIRST PLACE!?-
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Review: Men Explain Things to Me
Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Here’s the box Pandora held and the bottles the genies were released from; they look like prisons and
coffins now. People die in this war, but the ideas cannot be erased.
I liked the first essay and the last third of this book, the rest was a no from me, I felt bored and unfocused.
I recommend you search for the first essay and read it instead of reading the whole book!
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Here’s the box Pandora held and the bottles the genies were released from; they look like prisons and
coffins now. People die in this war, but the ideas cannot be erased.
I liked the first essay and the last third of this book, the rest was a no from me, I felt bored and unfocused.
I recommend you search for the first essay and read it instead of reading the whole book!
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Review: Men Explain Things to Me
Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Here’s the box Pandora held and the bottles the genies were released from; they look like prisons and
coffins now. People die in this war, but the ideas cannot be erased.
I liked the first essay and the last third of this book, the rest was a no for me, I felt bored and unfocused.
I recommend you search for the first essay and read it instead of reading the whole book!
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Here’s the box Pandora held and the bottles the genies were released from; they look like prisons and
coffins now. People die in this war, but the ideas cannot be erased.
I liked the first essay and the last third of this book, the rest was a no for me, I felt bored and unfocused.
I recommend you search for the first essay and read it instead of reading the whole book!
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Review: شيفرة بلال
شيفرة بلال by أحمد خيري العمري
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
سمك لبن تمر هندي مع نهاية مؤثرة.
يلا نحط طفل مصاب بسرطان مولود لأب مسلم غائب لم يترك له سوى الاسم العربي الجميل -بلال- إرثـًا وعلامة وأم من أصل أفريقي يتعرض للعنصرية في المدرسة وأمه المعلمة مضطهدة في مدرستها لأنها قررت أن يدرس طلابها رواية الجذور وأستاذ أكاديمي وكاتب مسلم في البطاقة يبحث عن الربح والكأس ولا يهتم بالدين ولكن الفتى المحتضر يعيده إلى الإيمان - DUH!-
هي فقط محاولة لضم كل العنصرية الموجودة في أمريكا وزجها وسط أحداث رواية
الحمدلله إنني قررت الاستماع عليها بدلًا من قرائتها لأنها حقـًا مملة وتلعب على وتر التعاطف مع الفتى الصغير فحسب!
ربما تصلح هذه الرواية لسن أصغر ولكنني لا أود تلويث الصغار بحماقات مثل البكاء للنساء وعلى الطفل المسكين الذي سيموت أن يبقى صامدًا لا يهتز ولا يبكي!
ثم الزج بكل هذا التراث الإسلامي وسط فلسفة ومثال من الشرق ومن الغرب ومن قصة كونتاكنتي حتة ومن بلال بن رباح حتة!
ربما الحسنة الوحيدة للرواية هي المعلومات التاريخية عن شخصية بلال مؤذن الرسول وأعتقد أنني سأبحث عن كتاب عن قصة حياته أفضل من هذه القصة !
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My rating: 2 of 5 stars
سمك لبن تمر هندي مع نهاية مؤثرة.
يلا نحط طفل مصاب بسرطان مولود لأب مسلم غائب لم يترك له سوى الاسم العربي الجميل -بلال- إرثـًا وعلامة وأم من أصل أفريقي يتعرض للعنصرية في المدرسة وأمه المعلمة مضطهدة في مدرستها لأنها قررت أن يدرس طلابها رواية الجذور وأستاذ أكاديمي وكاتب مسلم في البطاقة يبحث عن الربح والكأس ولا يهتم بالدين ولكن الفتى المحتضر يعيده إلى الإيمان - DUH!-
هي فقط محاولة لضم كل العنصرية الموجودة في أمريكا وزجها وسط أحداث رواية
الحمدلله إنني قررت الاستماع عليها بدلًا من قرائتها لأنها حقـًا مملة وتلعب على وتر التعاطف مع الفتى الصغير فحسب!
ربما تصلح هذه الرواية لسن أصغر ولكنني لا أود تلويث الصغار بحماقات مثل البكاء للنساء وعلى الطفل المسكين الذي سيموت أن يبقى صامدًا لا يهتز ولا يبكي!
ثم الزج بكل هذا التراث الإسلامي وسط فلسفة ومثال من الشرق ومن الغرب ومن قصة كونتاكنتي حتة ومن بلال بن رباح حتة!
ربما الحسنة الوحيدة للرواية هي المعلومات التاريخية عن شخصية بلال مؤذن الرسول وأعتقد أنني سأبحث عن كتاب عن قصة حياته أفضل من هذه القصة !
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Review: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Pérez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was mind-blowing!
The data she gathered from different aspects of life were really important and put me in rage due to this injustice!
The world is not designed for "men" and the idea that everything even in our modern life is made from a male perspective and suitable for men's body, health, brain and functions is infuriating!
From mobile phones which is suitable for the size of a man's palm, to cars and air conditioning!
The statistics of women's rape from all over the world especially in India where there are homes with no toilets, making women go outside and endanger them to get assaulted, raped and murdered!!
The medical field and clinical trials where they target mainly men - Good GOD! - THAT'S ABSURD!
An eye-opening book, a favorite and a must read!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was mind-blowing!
The data she gathered from different aspects of life were really important and put me in rage due to this injustice!
The world is not designed for "men" and the idea that everything even in our modern life is made from a male perspective and suitable for men's body, health, brain and functions is infuriating!
From mobile phones which is suitable for the size of a man's palm, to cars and air conditioning!
The statistics of women's rape from all over the world especially in India where there are homes with no toilets, making women go outside and endanger them to get assaulted, raped and murdered!!
The medical field and clinical trials where they target mainly men - Good GOD! - THAT'S ABSURD!
An eye-opening book, a favorite and a must read!
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Review: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Pérez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was mind-blowing!
The data she gathered from different aspects of life was really important and put me in rage due to this injustice!
The world is not designed for "men" and the idea that everything even in our modern life is made from a male perspective and suitable for men's body, health, brain and functions is infuriating!
From mobile phones which is suitable for the size of a man's palm, to cars and air conditioning!
The statistics of women's rape from all over the world especially in India where there are homes with no toilets, making women go outside and endanger them to get assaulted, raped and murdered!!
The medical field and clinical trials where they target mainly men - Good GOD! - THAT'S ABSURD!
An eye-opening book, a favorite and a must read!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was mind-blowing!
The data she gathered from different aspects of life was really important and put me in rage due to this injustice!
The world is not designed for "men" and the idea that everything even in our modern life is made from a male perspective and suitable for men's body, health, brain and functions is infuriating!
From mobile phones which is suitable for the size of a man's palm, to cars and air conditioning!
The statistics of women's rape from all over the world especially in India where there are homes with no toilets, making women go outside and endanger them to get assaulted, raped and murdered!!
The medical field and clinical trials where they target mainly men - Good GOD! - THAT'S ABSURD!
An eye-opening book, a favorite and a must read!
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Review: Vox
Vox by Christina Dalcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As a girl/woman you're only allowed 100 words per day! No nods are acceptable!
This dystopia is so real! It could happen!
Actually, it happens in many different ways, like telling women to shut up when they express their opinions or problems in public and social media or interrupting women in political debates or mansplaining!
Though I have a physical copy from this novel, I listened to the audiobook which contained an interview with the writer afterwards, she talked about how newer generations have lesser vocabulary due to social media with word limits and emoji!
It was really insightful!
I gave this book a higher rating because of the ending, not a lot of dystopian novels nowadays end on a good note.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As a girl/woman you're only allowed 100 words per day! No nods are acceptable!
This dystopia is so real! It could happen!
Actually, it happens in many different ways, like telling women to shut up when they express their opinions or problems in public and social media or interrupting women in political debates or mansplaining!
Though I have a physical copy from this novel, I listened to the audiobook which contained an interview with the writer afterwards, she talked about how newer generations have lesser vocabulary due to social media with word limits and emoji!
It was really insightful!
I gave this book a higher rating because of the ending, not a lot of dystopian novels nowadays end on a good note.
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Review: Turtles All the Way Down
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I think the epitome of this novel is the picture John Green painted for OCD people, the spiral, the overthinking. It was really good!
The story is a complex between mystery, romance and how to fight everyday's malicious thoughts if you are an OCD.
I don't think the characters were the best comparing to other John Green's work and I reckon the only thing that mattered to me while reading this book is the representation of OCD. I knew a lot of people hated the writing of this book but I found it interesting as it was written by someone who suffered from OCD himself.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I think the epitome of this novel is the picture John Green painted for OCD people, the spiral, the overthinking. It was really good!
The story is a complex between mystery, romance and how to fight everyday's malicious thoughts if you are an OCD.
I don't think the characters were the best comparing to other John Green's work and I reckon the only thing that mattered to me while reading this book is the representation of OCD. I knew a lot of people hated the writing of this book but I found it interesting as it was written by someone who suffered from OCD himself.
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Review: Turtles All the Way Down
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I think the epitome of this novel is the picture John Green painted for OCD people, the spiral, the overthinking. It was really good!
The story is a complex between mystery, romance and how to fight everyday's malicious thoughts if you are an OCD.
I don't think the characters were the best comparing to other John Green's work and I reckon the only thing that mattered to me while reading this book is the representation of OCD. I knew a lot of people hated the writing of this book but I found it interesting.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I think the epitome of this novel is the picture John Green painted for OCD people, the spiral, the overthinking. It was really good!
The story is a complex between mystery, romance and how to fight everyday's malicious thoughts if you are an OCD.
I don't think the characters were the best comparing to other John Green's work and I reckon the only thing that mattered to me while reading this book is the representation of OCD. I knew a lot of people hated the writing of this book but I found it interesting.
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