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أيضـًا أنني تعلمت من درس صديقتي العزيزة دينا نبيل حينما فقدت جميع مراجعاتها على موقع goodreads عندما حذفوا حسابها من عليه،فقررت الاحتياط لذلك بحفظ جميع ما كتبت من مراجعات بمرور الأيام.
أتمنى أن تتحملوا ثرثرتي الكثيرة عن الكتب هنا،
لأي استفسار أو تعليق..نوافذ المدونة مفتوحة لكم
دمتم بود،
سارة حسين

الجمعة، 15 نوفمبر 2019

Review: The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid's Tale The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

مراجعة الرواية على اليوتيوب:

Horror. Just horror!
The horror is not coming from aliens, goblins or ghosts.
It's coming from human, all humans!

It's a story about oppression by the name of God. A religious state in the U.S ruled by the Bible and gave men control over women - sounds familiar?-. Women are not allowed to read, own a property, have money or a job. They only there to serve men wether they are wives, marthas or handmaids.
Offred is a handmaid who had in her past life, a husband, a daughter, a mother, a job, money and a house of her own! Now, she serves only as a vessel, a uterus per se. Her only job is to get pregnant and reproduce!
The style of writing is called (Running sentences) which was not easy for me because my mindset is programmed that after a comma there's a new thing to learn -Arabic speaking language's problems,haha-. Also, there was a lot of details but of course it's a fictional dystopian novel, it had to had details!
Sometimes, Offred imagined things and jump from timeline to another on the same page. So, it was also a challenge.
I didn't like the last chapter about the lecture, it seemed absurd in a way.

But overall, I enjoyed the novel and to be honest it's just portrayed my biggest fears as a female. It's not a total sci-fi things, these things happen! They happened, happen and will happen to women anywhere in the world at anytime! Maybe not literally but they happen.

I recommend it, it's like 1984 but in a female point of view with actual reality.

View all my reviews

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