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سارة حسين

الجمعة، 26 أبريل 2019

Review: Finding Audrey

Finding Audrey Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Funny, Hilarious little 14 years old Audrey with her Agoraphobia. Although we don't know what exactly caused her the phobia, I enjoyed the story and I don't know if it's really relatable to the actual cases of agoraphobic people.
I listened to the audiobook and absolutely loved it ❤️.
Her mother is a little annoying with seemingly careless father who just nods along with the mother to avoid fights. Frank her brother is hilarious, funny and smart, I loved him.
I liked Linus as well, he helped her a lot.
I loved the opening scene, it was so funny😂😂.
Also, the scene when she and her brother meet the bad girl with her family was excellent 👏🏻

Very well telling ❤️

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