
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أهلاً بجميع الزوار :)
قررت أن أفتح فرعـًا آخر من مدونتي الرئيسة قلم سارة مـُخصص فقط لمراجعاتي عن الكتب التي أقرأ؛حتى لا تضيع وسط الزحام وأستطيع العودة إليها في أي وقت.
كما سيـُساعد هذا الفرع مـَن يرغب في قراءة كتاب ما ولكنه متردد ويريد معرفة آراء آخرين بهذا الشأن.
أيضـًا أنني تعلمت من درس صديقتي العزيزة دينا نبيل حينما فقدت جميع مراجعاتها على موقع goodreads عندما حذفوا حسابها من عليه،فقررت الاحتياط لذلك بحفظ جميع ما كتبت من مراجعات بمرور الأيام.
أتمنى أن تتحملوا ثرثرتي الكثيرة عن الكتب هنا،
لأي استفسار أو تعليق..نوافذ المدونة مفتوحة لكم
دمتم بود،
سارة حسين

الجمعة، 27 سبتمبر 2019

Review: My Not So Perfect Life

My Not So Perfect Life My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Katie Brenner is a Somerset girl trying to make it in London and work in branding, she has a horrible boss called Demeter who has everything.. the great job, awesome house, handsome husband and kids and fame. Katie is taken by instagram and the perfect pictures on it and she is trying to make her life similar to her instagram feed although it's a little bit..Okay fine, it's so far from the truth!
Then, just as she's finding her feet--not to mention a possible new romance--the worst happens. Demeter fires Katie!!
Katie is trying to stay on the positive side and travels back to her town to help her family in their new business and someday her horrible ex-boss turns up!
Katie is trying to get her revenge when things happens and secrets are spilled and a new weird friendships are developing.

It's a very witty and charming read. Also, a quick read although it is 434 pages long but I HAD to know what was going to happen the next chapter, so..
I laughed a lot while reading this book and rooted a lot for Katie, she is my favourite fictional character this year. She is smart, determined and funny.
The style of writing was easy to follow and understandable. I loved the characters and the relationships between them, especially between Katie and her stepmother.
The conflict was on point and realistic.
It's a very good book and I recommend it to everyone!

View all my reviews

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