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كما سيـُساعد هذا الفرع مـَن يرغب في قراءة كتاب ما ولكنه متردد ويريد معرفة آراء آخرين بهذا الشأن.
أيضـًا أنني تعلمت من درس صديقتي العزيزة دينا نبيل حينما فقدت جميع مراجعاتها على موقع goodreads عندما حذفوا حسابها من عليه،فقررت الاحتياط لذلك بحفظ جميع ما كتبت من مراجعات بمرور الأيام.
أتمنى أن تتحملوا ثرثرتي الكثيرة عن الكتب هنا،
لأي استفسار أو تعليق..نوافذ المدونة مفتوحة لكم
دمتم بود،
سارة حسين

الاثنين، 11 مارس 2019

Review: Bad Feminist

Bad Feminist Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

When I saw Roxane's talk about this book years ago, I was hooked and wanted to read it right away.
Five years later, I listened to the it as an audiobook and I was disappointed!

The book doesn't say a lot about feminism, just essays about pop culture and some criticism of books, series and movies. Also, some critic of the society about black, fat people and of course women!
Moreover, there are some memories written by the author, I don't know how they fit into the subject of this book but meh.. I don't know!!
The memories about rape and fat camp sure fit into it but the rest is naaah.
I was bored most of the time but I liked the parts talking about weight gaining and losing it, rape, women friends and the stereotyping of feminists.

View all my reviews

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